Wednesday, August 7, 2013

close to 9,000 hits :)

Thank you every one for visiting my blog, I never expected it to hit over 1,000 and a few years in it's now close to 9,000.  Most of the hits come from product reviews so in future I hope to see visitors coming to see my paint jobs, or these days, Zombicide game play reports.

just a small notice here, if someone happen to be reading this entry, if you are the 9,000th reader, I will choose and paint you a miniature no matter where you are :)


  1. Great job at getting 9000 views. Good luck with that and happy painting (I do like you're paintjobs).

  2. Thanks Denniz, at this stage I am mass painting now to get increasing my contrast level, which seems to be the key to a more dramatic effect.


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